The Marden Society

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The Marden Society was formed in the 1970s in response to concerns about a particular development near the village. After that was successfully resolved the Society has gone on both to represent the views of the village, as far as it is able, and to promote interest in Marden, in Kent and in the countryside in general. In the words of its constitution, the Society exists to:


To these ends the Society has a programme of monthly  meetings  with guest speakers talking on subjects of interest to members, plus a summer outing usually in June, and also publishes a free bi-monthly newsletter, The Parish Pump.  It initiated a project which produced the Village Design Statement, participated in development of the Neighborhood Plan and keeps a general eye on what is happening in terms of planning and development both in the village and the local area.

Meetings are normally held at 7.30 p.m. in the Vestry Hall, unless otherwise advised. There is a raffle, refreshments are provided, and visitors are always welcome.

The 2024 Committee is:

Chairman:Steve McArragher  01622 831007
Secretary:Carol Hogg 01622 832900
Treasurer:Mike Lockett 01622 833346
 Membership Sec.Carol Hogg
 CommitteeDiane Fisher
 Barbara Dubois
Kim Day

Membership costs just £5.00 per annum.

For details please email us here:

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 23rd October by Ray Morris of the Marden Wildlife Group entitled:
 “Marden Wildlife: securing the preservation, protection, development and improvement of Ladybird Land?”
No, we don’t know what it means either, but all will be revealed on the night and we’re sure it will be very interesting!.

As usual the meeting will start at 7.30 p.m. in the Vestry Hall, includes a raffle and will be followed by refreshments. There is no charge, and we only ask that you buy at least one raffle ticket! For further information contact Steve at or 07946 532591.
All evening meetings are free and will be held in the Vestry Hall at 7.30 p.m. with a raffle followed by refreshments after the talk.